Many people wonder, "can you use apple cider vinegar to clean?" Well, you can. Find out how apple cider vinegar can be used all-around your home. Explore a few areas not to use apple cider vinegar in your home.
Can You Use Apple Cider Vinegar to Clean?
When it comes to cleaning with apple cider vinegar, it's a great addition to your cleaning arsenal. Apple cider vinegar is similar in acidity and cleaning power to white vinegar. However, apple cider vinegar has a sweeter smell. Those that hate that vinegary smell of white vinegar can find apple cider vinegar to be a viable option.
Using Apple Cider Vinegar vs. White Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is made from the fermentation of crushed apples, while white vinegar is made from the fermentation of grain alcohol. The powerful cleaning agent in both is acetic acid. Depending on the brand you buy, both kinds of vinegar have about 5% acetic acid, and the rest is water. Since the makeup of apple cider and white vinegar are similar, you can use these cleaners interchangeably. However, when apple cider vinegar dries, it leaves a sweet scent behind. Therefore, you might use it for cleaning your kitchen, floors, or walls.

How to Use Apple Cider Vinegar for Cleaning
How you use apple cider vinegar for cleaning depends on where you are using it. However, overall, you'll want to mix apple cider vinegar with water for most cleaning projects.
Using Apple Cider Vinegar for General Cleaning
To use apple cider vinegar for general cleaning, follow these steps.
Fill a glass or plastic spray bottle ⅓ of the way full with apple cider vinegar.
Fill the rest of the spray bottle with water.
Shake the mixture until it has a clear, consistent light brown color.
Spray down countertops, stoves, bathtubs, toilets, sinks, and furniture with the mixture for general cleaning.
Using Apple Cider Vinegar in the Bathroom
Beyond just general cleaning of the bathtub and sink, you can use apple cider vinegar as a perfect toilet bowl cleaner.
Fill the toilet bowl with a few cups of apple cider vinegar.
Allow it to sit for an hour or two.
Scrub the toilet.
Using Apple Cider Vinegar in the Kitchen
Besides wiping down your countertops and getting your sinks sparkling, apple cider vinegar has a few unique uses for the coffee maker or dishwasher.

Can You Use Apple Cider Vinegar to Clean Coffee Maker?
It is effortless for you to clean your coffee maker with apple cider vinegar. Running vinegar through your coffee maker can keep it clean and running smoothly.
Pour straight apple cider vinegar into the water filter.
Allow the vinegar to run through the machine.
Run the machine with water a few times to flush the vinegar.
Cleaning Dishwasher With ACV
Apple cider vinegar works great to clean and deodorize the dishwasher. Simply add a quarter cup to an empty dishwasher and allow it to clean and deodorize it.
Using ACV in the Living Room
From your end tables to your windows, apple cider vinegar can make a versatile cleaner in your living room with just a spritz of your general cleaner. However, you have to be a bit careful when it comes to carpets and furniture since apple cider vinegar is not colorless like white vinegar.

Can You Use Apple Cider Vinegar to Clean Carpet?
Much like cleaning clothes with apple cider vinegar, it's essential to use caution on white or light-colored carpets. However, it can make a good cleaner for carpet stains.
Mix a few tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with salt.
Rub the mixture onto the stain.
Allow it to sit for a few minutes.
Scrub with a brush and vacuum away.
Using Apple Cider Vinegar in the Laundry Room
ACV can be used all around the house, even in your laundry room. You can use it to clean your washer and clothes, but use caution when using it as a pre-treater.
Can You Use Apple Cider Vinegar to Clean Your Washer?
Apple cider vinegar can make an excellent washing machine cleaner. Just add a cup or two to an empty cycle and let the washer run. You'll be amazed at the gunk this cleaner can get rid of.
Can You Use Apple Cider Vinegar to Clean Clothes?
You can add a cup of apple cider vinegar into the washing machine as a substitute for white vinegar to clean your laundry. However, since apple cider vinegar has a bit of color to it, you'd want to opt for white vinegar for pre-treating stains on lighter or white fabrics. However, in a pinch, you can use apple cider vinegar as a pre-treater by creating a 1:3 apple cider vinegar and water mixture.
When Not to Use Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is pretty versatile in most instances. However, you wouldn't want to use apple cider vinegar on any surfaces not safe for vinegar such as granite, marble, waxed furniture, old grout, and specific flooring. Additionally, consider using white vinegar to pre-treat stains, white furniture, and carpets since it's colorless. The color of apple cider vinegar may cause an issue.
Using Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is a viable alternative to white vinegar in most instances, and it has a sweeter scent. Give it a try in your home and see how you like it.