15 Best-Smelling Laundry Detergents for a Fresher Clean

Published August 19, 2020
Woman smelling clean towels

Best-smelling laundry detergents give you a wide range of choices for a fresher and cleaner load of clothes. Some have a long-lasting scent, while others are valued for their natural scents and ingredients. Likewise, a couple also have a fabric softener built into their wonderful scented formula.

Best Smelling Laundry Detergent

Not every detergent is equal. Some clean better but lack that amazing scent that makes you smile whenever you open the dryer door. Best smelling laundry detergents can either be in powder or liquid form. A few favorites can help you make that important laundry decision.

1. Clean Burst Scent From Arm & Hammer

Arm & Hammer Clean Burst, 32 Loads Liquid Laundry Detergent, 50 Fl oz

Arm & Hammer Liquid HE (high efficiency) Clean Burst has an effervescent scent that will make the world a little brighter and happier. If you need a detergent for an HE washing machine, this detergent is an excellent choice. It's also a great choice for a standard machine. This is a powerful, low-sudsy formula that more than gets the job done.

2. Lavender + Cypress Scent From Method

Method concentrated lavender cypress detergent instantly transports you to the heart of a forest. The scent is gentle but enduring and gives the pleasant evergreen woodsy scent mixed with lavender flowers. It's a wonderful aroma for bed linens to lull you right to sleep. The concentrated detergent is a great cleaner, and one great feature is it doesn't take a lot of detergent per load.

3. Mountain Breeze Scent From Purex

Purex Liquid Laundry Detergent, Mountain Breeze, 57 Loads, 75 Fluid Ounces

The crisp clear air of a mountain breeze is bottled in the Purex liquid laundry detergent. Just close your eyes and breathe. You'll be convinced you're standing on a mountain overlooking a lush valley. That gentle scent wafts around your freshly laundered clothes and linens. This is a concentrated power cleaner that also carries a slight hint of spring flowers.

4. Spring Meadow Scent From Tide PODS

Tide Pods Spring Meadow 96 Ct, Laundry Detergent Pacs

Spring Meadow scent says it all. It's no wonder that Tide PODS laundry detergent liquid pacs are a popular option. The Spring Meadow scent is a mix of bouquet and sunshine that gives a clean and crisp aroma that isn't overpowering. Your laundry stays fresh for weeks. The pods are packed with powerful concentrated cleaning properties.

Best Smelling, Long-Lasting Laundry Detergent

Some scented detergents just don't have staying power. When you find a scented detergent that is long-lasting, you reap the rewards every time you open a drawer or closet door. You can be assured that your laundry will stay fresh and smell great for weeks to come when you choose a detergent that has a long-lasting scent.

5. Sparkling Fresh Scent From OxiClean

OxiClean Liquid Laundry Detergent, Sparkling Fresh Scent, 100.5 oz.

OxiClean's Sparkling Fresh has a crisp ocean breeze scent. The scent is clean and smells like a breath of fresh air on a bright summer day. The aroma stays with you until it's time for the next wash cycle. It's a great scent to greet you when you step out of the shower and grab a fresh, clean towel. OxiClean is a color-safe detergent that will make white clothes white and colors brighter.

6. Intense Fresh Scent From Persil Pro-Clean

Persil ProClean Power-Liquid Laundry Detergent, Intense Fresh, 40 Fluid Ounces, 25 Loads

Persil Pro-Clean Intense Fresh delivers a wonderful, fresh scent to your laundry. The aroma has staying power that will last for days. Pack a suitcase and enjoy the pleasant, fresh scent that greets you when you unpack for your vacation stay. Of course, the powerful enzyme formula gives you that needed cleaning boost to keep your clothes looking bright. You can use Persil Pro-Clean in all types of washing machines, including HE.

7. Original Scent From Gain Flings Detergent Pacs

Gain Flings Original Scent, 42 Ct Laundry Detergent Pacs

Gain Flings! Original detergent pacs deliver a great fresh scent that you'll quickly recognize if you've ever used Gain detergent. The Aroma Boost does its job along with the Extend-A-Scent designed to slow release the scent all day. With Oxi boost and Febreze, the long-lasting freshness has 50% more scent than regular Gain detergent. When combined with the cleaning power of these pacs that clean in cold water, this just might be your ideal scented laundry detergent.

Best Smelling Natural Laundry Detergent

You have several choices if a laundry detergent made from natural ingredients is important to you. When these detergents are animal cruelty free and biodegradable, they become more than an ecological choice, especially if you practice greywater use.

8. Geranium Blossom & Vanilla Scent From Seventh Generation

Seventh Generation Concentrated Laundry Detergent, Geranium Blossom & Vanilla, 40 oz (53 Loads)

The Geranium Blossom & Vanilla scent is enhanced by Seventh Generation's ecological pledge. This detergent is a USDA Certified Biobased Product. The alluring scent of geranium blossom and vanilla falls in the category of favorite things! These natural scents make this detergent a perfect choice for anyone sensitive to synthetic fragrances. You can sigh with relief when you put on a load of clothes using this detergent, reassured it is free of chemicals and synthetic cleaners. It does an amazing job in cleaning all types of dirt, stains, and grime.

9. Honeysuckle Scent From Mrs. Meyer's Clean Day

Mrs. Meyer's Clean Day Liquid Laundry Detergent, Honeysuckle Scent, 64 Ounce, 2 Pack

If you've ever caught the scent of honeysuckle riding on a warm summer's breeze, then you can recapture that moment each time you do laundry. Mrs. Meyer's Clean Day Liquid Laundry Detergent scent is just as subtle. It is made from plants, and this formula is strong enough to tackle big cleaning jobs. The scent lasts for days and will make your closets and linen closets smell like summertime. This is a cruelty-free detergent with a biodegradable formula that contains enzymes that fight stains and dirt.

10. Patchouli Scent From ZUM Laundry Soap

Zum Laundry Soap Frankincense Patchouli 32oz

If you love patchouli incense or perfume, then you're going to adore ZUM laundry soap. Since it is an all-natural laundry soap, anyone sensitive to synthetic detergents will appreciate the gentleness this laundry soap offers. Your laundry will be infused with the subtle scent of patchouli and it carries the scent for several days, making it a great choice for anyone partial to this exotic scent.

11. Ginger Mango Scent From Method Laundry Detergent

Method Laundry Detergent, Ginger Mango, 53.5 Ounces, 66 Loads

The invigorating scent of ginger and mango makes laundry day a happy day. This divine scent is accompanied by other natural ingredients that deliver a concentrated cleaning power. You won't worry about whites and colors fading on you, and the scent will stay with your clothes and linens for a truly stimulating choice.

12. Lavender Scent From Mrs. Meyer's


Mrs. Meyer's brings the flower garden bouquet into your wash day. If you're a fan of this Victorian scent, then you'll love Mrs. Meyer's lavender detergent. It has a subtle floating scent that allows you to catch a whiff throughout the day for a pleasing reminder of the power of natural scents. The concentrated detergent means it doesn't require a lot per load. This detergent is cruelty-free and biodegradable.

13. Citrus Essence Scent from Biokleen

Biokleen Natural Laundry Detergent Liquid - 300 Loads- Eco Friendly Concentrated Plant Based Safe for Kids and Pets No Artificial Colors or Preservatives

The fresh scent of citrus is a brisk and cheerful aroma for your laundry. This is an eco-friendly detergent that's plant-based and non-toxic. It doesn't contain any preservative or artificial fragrance. In fact, it contains grapefruit seed extract and orange extract for a pleasant invigorating citrus scent. The natural detergent formula lifts tough stains and eradicate odors.

Best Smelling Laundry Detergent Fabric Softener Combo

A detergent that also contains a fabric softener may be the kind of laundry combo you're looking for. Forget needing to add fabric softener! This kind of scent detergent means you only need one liquid going into your washing machine.

14. Fresh Scent With Arm & Hammer™ Plus a Touch of Softener

You will get a truly fresh scent with the Arm & Hammer Plus a Touch of Softener detergent. This combo gives you a perfect amount of fabric softener that is ideal for standard and HE washing machines. Your laundry will be fresh smelling and clean with that added softness, making this a great choice for anyone seeking a built-in fabric softener.

15. April Fresh Scent From Tide Plus a Touch of Downy

Tide Plus Downy April Fresh Scent Liquid Laundry Detergent, 46 oz, 29 Loads

The brisk clean April Fresh scent is reminiscent of the air just after a spring rain shower. The Tide Plus a Touch of Downy liquid laundry detergent gives you the powerful cleaning properties of Tide and the color protection and fabric softener of Downy to make this April Fresh scent detergent a top choice.

Detergents That Make Laundry Smell Great

With 15 choices of the best-smelling laundry detergents, you may have a difficult time deciding on just one detergent. With equal cleaning power, you may decide to laundry with a mountain fresh scent, then switch to a romantic lavender scent. The choices are up to you! One thing is certain; you'll never have to wonder how to make your laudry smell good again.

15 Best-Smelling Laundry Detergents for a Fresher Clean