If you grew up in a Christian home in the 1980s through the 2000s, then you're probably familiar with iconic decorations like the cross wall and Precious Moments figurines. These porcelain bisque figurines have been around since 1978, and suburban mothers everywhere were enchanted with the kids' big heads and tear-drop-shaped eyes. When faced with their innocent and melancholic faces, it's no wonder they had such a tight grip on some people. Next time you're over at your parents' or grandparents' house, take a little extra time looking through their display cases to see if they have any of the most valuable Precious Moments figurines.
Valuable Precious Moments Figurines From Your Childhood
Valuable Precious Moments Figurines | Recent Sales Price |
Woody and Bullseye | $139 |
Beauty and the Beast | $99.95 |
Jesus Loves Me (boy) | $30 |
Make a Joyful Noise | $22 |
Samuel J. Butcher first brought these cherubic and slightly melancholic looking children to people's homes with his greeting cards and sticker series. Inspired by his deep faith, Butcher wanted to bring his 2D pieces into the 3D realm, and he partnered with a few other creatives to make the cute little figurines.
Enesco originally manufactured Butcher's Precious Moments figurines in 1978 with a collection of 21 different characters/scenes. While there are over 1,000 figurines to date, Precious Moments doesn't look like it's stopping production soon, and it keeps partnering with new brands for novelty releases to take the place of their retired collectibles. So, when it comes to separating the valuable sheep from the cheap goats, here are the figurines you want to keep your eyes peeled for.
Original 21 Figurines
According to Dr. Lori, a famous antiques appraiser, the first 21 Precious Moments figurines released in 1978 are some of the most valuable in the company's entire catalog. Many of these original titles are now retired, making them even more collectible because there are no reproductions on the horizon. Now, these 21 figurines have a reputation for being worth hundreds of dollars, and Precious Moments sells retired versions of a few of them for about $150 each. But, currently, they don't really sell for more than $50.

The collector's market is always changing, and there's room for these figurines to jump back up in price in the coming years, but for right now, they just don't sell for stereotypical collectible amounts. For example, a Jesus Loves Me (boy) figurine from 1978 is currently listed for $30, and another original 1978 figurine, Make a Joyful Noise, is listed for $22 on Etsy.
That being said, of these 1980s and 1990s releases, the originals always draw a crowd, so you'll want to look for authentic ones. Every Precious Moments figurine comes with a production mark, either on the bottom or back of the neck (since 1981). For the original 21, you want to look for the Johnathan & David signature and the figurine's catalog number.
Here are each of the 21 figurines and their catalog numbers.
Precious Moments Figurine | Catalog Numbers |
Unto Us, A Child Is born | E-2013 |
Jesus Is Born | E-2012 |
His Burden Is Light | E-1380G |
Come Let Us Adore HIm | E-2011 |
Love Lifted Me | E-1375A |
Jesus Is The Answer | E-1381 |
Make A Joyful Noise | E-1374G |
Prayer Changes Things | E-1375B |
He Leadeth Me | E-1377A |
We Have Seen His Star | E-2010 |
Jesus Is the Light | E-1373G |
Jesus Loves Me (Boy) | E-1372B |
Jesus Loves Me (Girl) | E-1372G |
Love One Another | E-1376 |
God Understands | E-1379B |
Smile God Loves You | E-1373B |
God Loveth A Cheerful Giver | E-1378 |
Love Is Kind | E-1379A |
O, How I Love Jesus | E-1380B |
He Careth For You | E-1377B |
Praise The Lord Anyhow | E-1374B |
Disney Figurines
Since Precious Moments is deeply rooted in the Christian faith, with many of them representing parables and stories from the Bible, there's a smaller pool of people drawn to their traditional porcelain figures. But the company made a fabulous financial decision in partnering with Disney to make Disney-inspired figures. Since 2005, the company's been making specialty park figurines that you can only get at Disney parks.

Currently, these Disney+Precious Moments figurines are far more valuable than any of the company's religious ones. From cuddly characters like Winnie-the-Pooh to your favorite villains, Precious Moments has them all. You can resell them for about $100-$150 if they're in a great condition and come with their original packaging.
For example, a cute cowboy figurine playing with a Woody and Bullseye toy sold to two different sellers, both for about $139. Similarly, one Beauty and the Beast figurine recently sold for $99.95 on eBay.
Are Precious Moments Figurines Worth Selling?
If you're looking to make a few hundred bucks, you might not get as much out of listing your Precious Moments figurines as you'd like. Given the lull in interest, the best option is to wait for a market shift before trying to sell them. It doesn't help that you're competing with the actual website selling their own retired figurines and the Disney figurines that're still available online. So, on the whole, it's best to just keep these little figurines in their boxes or safely out of reach on a shelf until there's a renewed interest in them.
Take Care of Your Precious Moments Figurines
Finding the most valuable Precious Moments figurines is only half of the job. The rest is making sure they stay in tip-top shape. Thankfully, these cute collectibles only need minimal upkeep.
- Try to keep them away from dust. Keeping all the dust off of your figurines might be a herculean task, but housing them in a curio cabinet or display case will prevent any debris getting in those small nooks and crannies.
- Wash with warm soap and water. You don't have to wash your figurines too often; once every few years should do if they're in a case, and once a year, if not. Gently wash them with warm soapy water and a microfiber cloth. Make sure they're completely dry before putting them away.
- Mend any broken pieces with safe adhesive. Accidents happen, but what matters is how you handle the aftermath. According to the Precious Moments website, you can reattach any cracked or broken pieces using Duco Cement or Loctite glue.
Life's Little Moments Can Add Up
Your parents might have prayed that you would've stayed just as sweet natured and cherubic as their favorite Precious Moments figurines, and being a good example of what a 'precious' kid could be is what they were best at. Nowadays, these tear-drop eyed kids are great for being a cute reminder of your religious childhood, but not so great for bringing in impressive price tags. But the collecting world is incredibly fickle, and an upward swing could be around the corner.