It happens. You over did it at that dinner party last night, and after rolling out of bed mid-morning, you're feeling less than your best. There are numerous hangover cures, some better than others. But if your hangover is wine-centric, you'll want to focus on remedies that target the toxins and chemicals in wine. Try these wine hangover cures and you'll be off the couch in no time.
Wine Hangover Cures
The key to feeling better is to target the substances in the wine that are causing you to feel ill. These can be different for each individual, but often they are tannins in red wine, high amounts of sulphites in commercial wine, and histamines also found in red wine. Start experimenting with the following wine hangover cures to get back on your feet.
Drinking water after a night of partying is always a good plan, no matter what kind of beverage you were consuming the night before. Good ol' H₂O is the best, but if you are struggling to get plain water down, you can try other hydrating drinks, such as coconut water, bubbly water, or electrolyte tablets like Nuun. The main thing is to drink slowly and regularly to rehydrate all your cells.
You kinda just put your body through the ringer ... so getting some extra sleep is going to help it recuperate. If you can, sleep in the next day or opt for a few short naps to help your body recharge and recover quicker.
Coffee in Moderation
When you have a hangover, you are generally already dehydrated, and it's not wise to consume more diuretics like coffee. But if coffee is part of your regular morning routine, skipping it could lead to an even worse headache. If you must have your single-origin in the morning, keep it to a single cup and be sure to drink plenty of water alongside it.
Eat Probiotic Rich Foods

The Guardian reports that alcohol may actually act to create an imbalance in your gut microbiome. Wine specifically can actually contain many microbes, not all of which are helpful in human digestion. Yogurt, kraut, kimchi, kefir, miso, and kombucha are all rich in probiotics and can help replenish your body's supply of good bacteria to help with digestion.
Try an Antihistamine
Because histamines are responsible for some symptoms you may be feeling, taking an antihistamine may help. An over-the-counter non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, such as ibuprofen or aspirin, is generally a good bet. Be sure to check with your doctor prior to taking any supplement or over-the-counter drug, as these can have adverse effects when combined with other medications or any alcohol remaining in your system.
Try an Antacid
If an upset stomach is your primary symptom, an antacid may help. According to Vinepair, drinking wine, especially white wine, actually helps aid digestion because it releases additional gastric acid. However, too much gastric acid can result in some serious heartburn. Antiacid tablets, such as Tums, can counter all that acid to neutralize it and help you feel better.
Fresh Air & Mild Exercise

While it can be hard to motivate to do much of anything when you don't feel well, getting outside for some fresh air and light exercise can help to wake the body up and help you hit the reset button. Keeping the exercise mild when you are dehydrated is important, so opt for a walk and be sure to bring your water bottle along.
Eat Well
While you may be craving eggs benedict and that greasy side of bacon, these aren't exactly the power foods your body needs in its hungover state. The Cleveland Clinic recommends sticking to a relatively basic diet, such as the BRAT (bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast) diet, so as not to agitate the stomach further. If you can manage to eat a decent breakfast, foods like salmon, which is rich in B vitamins, can help decrease inflammation.
Drink Herbal Teas
The more hydrated you are, the better, and herbal teas have additional healing properties that can help wine hangover symptoms. If you are struggling with an upset stomach or nausea, try brewing a ginger tea to soothe your symptoms and aid digestion. Chamomile tea is another hydrating beverage with the added benefits of calming the mind and body.
What's a Wine Hangover?
General hangover symptoms include feeling tired, having a mild headache or upset stomach, and being extra thirsty. Wine hangover symptoms aren't all that different, but they may come on with less drinking compared to other alcoholic beverages and they may be more severe. This can be especially true with red wine. Symptoms include the following:
- Migraine headaches - Similar to a regular headache but so much worse, the tannins and other compounds in red wine can trigger migraines in some people. This can happen after only one glass.
- Congestion - The sulphites used by some wineries to preserve both red and white wines can cause congestion in people who are sensitive to them.
- Stomach problems - The histamines found in red wine can cause some people to experience digestive issues, including diarrhea. Other people have problems with heartburn from red or white wine.
Steps for Prevention
If you really feel awful the next morning, you're likely asking yourself what you were thinking. Forgive yourself and pledge to be better to your body next time with these preventative steps.
- The obvious approach is to drink less. This is the simplest way to avoid an achy wine hangover the following day. Try stretching your drinks out over the course of the evening, or interchanging every other drink with a non-alcoholic option.
- Hydrate during the day and evening. If you know you will be drinking later in the day, going into the evening sufficiently hydrated is going to help. Equally important, plan to drink a glass of water with every glass of wine. Game changer.
- Eat a good meal. Drinking any alcoholic beverage on an empty stomach is never a good idea. Make sure you have some good, nutritious food in your symptom prior to imbibing.
- Skip the red wine. This is on a case-by-case basis. For some, red wine isn't any different from white wine. For others, one glass of red wine will lead to hangover symptoms and it's better to avoid it altogether.
The Road to Recovery
The same hangover cures you use after too many mojitos will work with wine, too. However, to maximize your chances of feeling better, try some of these ideas that specifically target the compounds and chemicals that can make a wine hangover extra nasty.