Sample Wedding Day Toasts to Make It Memorable

Updated October 22, 2020
Groom toasting his bride

A sample of a few great wedding toasts can inspire you to finally tackle writing yours. A wedding toast is nothing more than a short speech, and you can easily modify examples of a wedding toast speech to reflect your feelings as the best man, maid of honor, parents of the bridal couple, bride, or groom.

Be Inspired by Sample Wedding Toasts

Use wedding day toast examples to begin writing your own toast. No matter what your role in the wedding is, use a short generic toast that is perfect for jumpstarting your own toast at the wedding. The italicized wording marks places where you can personalize the toast for the wedding. This easily helps you turn a sample toast into a customized wedding toast speech, worthy of any bridal party member from the best man to the maid of honor to parents.

Best Man Wedding Toast Example 1

Good evening, everyone. Tonight, we are all here to honor Bride and Groom. As the groom's best friend/brother/cousin, I feel honored to be standing next to him on such an important day in his life. We have gone through so much together in life, and I cannot imagine being anywhere but here on this special occasion.

Discuss one to two memories for a few minutes.

Groom, you have such a love of life, and I am so happy that you have found a wife to share that love with for the rest of your days.

Talk about specific traits of the groom and the bride.

Tonight, we celebrate the union of our two wonderful friends, Bride and Groom. Let us raise a glass in high hopes of happiness for many years to come!

After applause, introduce the maid of honor for her speech.

Best Man Toast Example 2

Good evening. I just want to say that this has been a wonderful day! I'm so happy to be a part of such a joyous celebration of the love that Bride and Groom have for each other. I have to admit, I never thought I'd see Groom happier than the year his football team won the Super Bowl (or insert other instance of sports team win), but Bride, you have made him the happiest I've ever seen him. As Groom's brother/friend/cousin, I am so grateful that he found you.

Insert a humorous story about your relationship with the groom and finish with a heartfelt wish for the couple.

Bride and Groom, I wish you the best life has to offer, and I know the two of you will continue to love and support each other. Join me in raising your glasses in a toast to Bride and Groom, may you forever be as happy as you are tonight.

After applause, introduce the maid of honor for her speech.

Maid of Honor Sample Toast 1

Thank you, Best Man. As Best Man said, we have gathered to honor the wedding of Bride and Groom. Bride has been such a wonderful friend/sister to me throughout the years, that I cannot in good conscience let her marry anyone who does not deserve her - and Groom, you more than deserve Bride.

Include specific reasons why you are happy about the nuptials, such as personality traits or a specific incident from their relationship.

These two people have committed themselves to one another today, and I know I consider myself a lucky person to be honored by being included in their wedding day. This is truly an occasion to celebrate, so let's raise our glasses and toast to a life full of love. Congratulations, Bride and Groom!

Maid of Honor Sample Toast 2

Thank you, Best Man. Bride, we grew up together and I've never been happier for you than I am tonight. As your sister/ best friend/cousin I know how much you love, Groom. And Groom, I've watched how you dote on Bride and truly care for her. I'm thrilled to welcome you into our family/our circle of friends and wish both of you the very best that life has to offer.

I have to share a short story about Bride. Insert a short story about you and the bride. You can tell a humorous one or you can share a deep emotional sentiment you want to share with everyone that reflects your relationship. Once finished, conclude your toast.

Please join me in toasting the best couple I've ever known, Bride and Groom! Heartfelt wishes for a happy and abundant life together as husband and wife!

Toasts From the Couple's Parents Example 1

Today, I am honored to count Bride/Groom as a member of my family. I have watched Bride/Groom grow from a small baby to making his/her way into the world.

Talk about a couple memories from childhood of the bride or groom.

Of course, I realized that Bride/Groom was no longer a child when she/he met the person seated next to him/her at the table. Bride/Groom came into my son/daughter's life and has not only loved my child as I did, but helped him/her become the person she/he is today.

Incorporate a few specific traits of the couple's relationship that stand out.

Your love is obvious to anyone who looks at you. We all have faith renewed in love as we gazed upon you two tonight. Your mother and I/We love you both forever. Congratulations!

Parents toasting bridal couple

Toast From the Couple's Parents Example 2

Letting your daughter grow up is the hardest thing a father can do. Bride, you will always be my little girl, but you've grown into such a beautiful and accomplished woman. When you first introduced me to Groom, I was immediately relieved because I could tell he truly loves you. All my worries about you growing up and leaving home vanished when I first shook hands with you, Groom. I know you will cherish, love and honor my little girl the way she deserves. Welcome to the family, Groom. I wish you, Bride and Groom all the happiness a father wants for his daughter and her husband. I love you, both!

Toast From the Couple's Parents Example 3

When Groom told me that he'd found the love of his life, I was overjoyed for him. And, when I met Bride, I could see that Groom was the love of her life too. My joy doubled beyond anything I expected. Today was a magical day and your mom/your dad and I are so happy we could share your special day with you and everyone here. You know what's in our hearts and how much we love you, both. May you have a lifetime of the same kind of joy and love that your mother and I/father and I have. We love you!

Bride and Groom Toast to Guests Examples

After everyone else has finished giving their wedding toast, the bride and the groom may stand and say a few words. This is usually a much shorter toast than those made by the bridal party, and should include heartfelt thanks to the bridal party, parents and guests who helped them in their lives and with the wedding itself.

Bride and Groom Toast to Guests Sample 1

Today, we are honored to stand before all of you and pledge our love to one another. Our lives have only been enhanced by the love brought into it by all of you. We especially want to thank our parents for everything they have done.

Bride and groom each take the microphone and separately thank parents.

We also want to thank everyone who has helped us on our journey together.

List anyone who has made the day possible, such as clergy members, special relatives or friends.

Finally, we want to thank everyone who has joined us today. We know some of you traveled long distances to be here, and we thank you all for your sacrifice to celebrate with us. You all are truly special to us, and we would not be here without everyone in this room.

Thank you all for your love and generosity. We love you all. Cheers!

newlyweds toasting at reception

Bride and Groom Toast to Guests Sample 2

First of all, Bride/Groom and I want to thank all of you for coming here tonight and sharing in our happiness. It means the world to both of us that each one of you is here. Groom/Bride and I want to first thank our parents. We would not be the people we are today without our parents' love and guidance.

Insert individual thank you to parents by Bride and Groom taking turns. Keep this part short, but sincere.

Now, we'd both like to thank everyone who has helped us over the years and supported our dreams. It was so important to us that we share our joy with you on this special day. Thank you for choosing to celebrate with us.

Insert an individual thank you to people important in your lives. You should keep it short and simple, and then end with a toast to your guests.

To all of you, thank you! We love you, all!

Groom to the Groomsmen Toast

To my Best Man and Groomsmen, thank you for being here today. I couldn't have made it to the wedding on time without all of you. You are my best buds, and sharing our happiness with you today made our wedding more complete. Each of you have a special place in my heart and Bride's heart. We look forward to having a lotsof barbecues and making more memories together with you as we continue to share our lives.

Bride to the BridesmaidsToast

To my Maid of Honor/Matron of Honor and Bridesmaids, each of you knows my heart and what your friendship means to me. Without you, I would never have gotten my hair and makeup done in time today. You are my best friends. You will never know how it made me and Groom feel having you here today to share in what is the biggest day in our lives. We are both blessed to have each of you in our lives. Groom and I are so excited to be starting our lives together with such amazing women on our side. Thank you so much, and I love each of you, dearly!

bride toasting with bridal party

Toast to the Bride From the Groom

Bride, the first time I saw you, I was thunderstruck. I knew I had to get to know you, and the more we were together, the more I was overwhelmed by your personality and intellect. I couldn't believe we liked the same things, or that you were not only beautiful on the outside, but gorgeous on the inside. I'm so lucky that you love me, and I promise I will cherish you every second we have together as husband and wife. I love you, darling.

Toast to the Groom From the Bride

Groom, when I first met you, I was so impressed. You are handsome, smart and funny, but most of all you are the kindest person I've ever known. You have spoiled me with your thoughtfulness and tender caring for my well-being. I never have to worry about how you will feel about anything I want to do because you give me unconditional love and support. I am so blessed to be your wife, and I shall make it my mission every day to show you just how much I love and appreciate you. I love you!

Customize a Wedding Reception Toast

Customizing a sample toast for a wedding is a great way to spark additional thoughts, some touching and some humorous, that will truly personalize the toast you plan to give at the wedding. Write down a few thoughts, practice giving the speech, and it is sure to go off without a hitch.

Sample Wedding Day Toasts to Make It Memorable