Every year in the United States, thousands of children set out their jack-o'-lanterns, put on a costume, and travel house to house yelling "trick or treat" to celebrate Halloween. All Hallows' Eve is a night that many children and their parents look forward to because it is filled with candy, a bit of mischief, and, most importantly, memories. However, not every country is as keen on the holiday. For example, if you wanted to celebrate Halloween in Australia, you might be in for a bit of a surprise.
Does Australia Celebrate Halloween?
Were you planning on celebrating Halloween in the land down under? If so, you might want to reconsider or at least bring some additional Halloween magic with you. Australia does not celebrate Halloween in the same way that people in the United States do. Some Australians welcome the spooky holiday, while others do not. In fact, some might even consider celebrating Halloween in Australia a hot-button topic.
Why Some Australians Don't Celebrate
Many people in Australia don't believe that the country should celebrate the holiday because it is considered to be American. This causes many to wonder why they would want to celebrate a holiday that was not created by or for members of their own country. This can leave people feeling detached from Halloween. Unlike people in America, many Australians aren't waiting for October to come around so that they can go to a haunted house or bake pumpkin seeds.
In addition, a lot of people in Australia question whether the holiday is really important. Some believe that it's more about spending money than spreading genuine tricks and treats. Over 73 million children in the United States went trick-or-treating in 2021. It's easy to see how all of the Halloween costumes, decorations, and candy can really add up, and make the holiday seem more about finances than the idea of letting kids have fun.
Why Some Australians Do Celebrate
Some people in Australia do celebrate Halloween. In fact, the first Halloween in Australia was celebrated in 1858 in Castlemain, Victoria. To some, it doesn't matter if Halloween is an Americanized holiday. In fact, Australia already celebrates other American holidays, such as St. Patrick's Day and Valentine's Day. So, to many, this isn't a cause for concern.
Also, many people in Australia want to participate in Halloween because it's another opportunity to have fun and celebrate. Parents want to see their children dress up in silly and spooky costumes. They want to spend time with loved ones, carving pumpkins and cuddling on the couch during scary movie marathons.
To many people in Australia, Halloween is just one more opportunity to add a bit of joy to their year and bring members of their community together. And, it gives them an excuse to dust off their favorite costume that has been sitting in their closet.
How to Celebrate Halloween in Australia
If you'll be in Australia this Halloween, don't worry about missing out on the festive Halloween fun. You can still celebrate. Not everyone you meet will be ready to hit the pumpkin patch with you (if you can find one), but Halloween is growing in Australia. All you really need is the Halloween spirit (and maybe a friend or two) in order to bring the holiday to life.
Find a Neighborhood for Trick-or-Treaters
Although not everyone in Australia participates in Halloween, some citizens like the holiday. This means that you don't have to put your trick-or-treat buckets away just yet. Depending on where you're staying, you might be in a neighborhood that does celebrate. And, if you're not, you might be able to ask a local about nearby neighborhoods that do. This way, your family can still go trick-or-treating if you choose. Or, you can simply walk around the neighborhood and check out the decorations to help bring Halloween to life.
Decorate the Inside of Your Home

You don't have to leave the house to celebrate Halloween. You can do it at home by putting up decorations on the inside of your house. You can purchase decorations from a store and set up yellow and or range lights around your living room. Or, you can make your own. Cut out figures of pumpkins, black cats, and bats in felt or construction paper. Then, decorate them with your family and hang them on your walls. This will allow you to get creative with your family and make whatever decorations you would like. You can even set up different candy bowls around your house and have your child go trick-or-treating indoors.
Dress Up in Your Favorite Costume
One of the best parts about Halloween is that you get to dress up. And, the good thing is that you can do this no matter where you are when you bring a costume with you or get creative with the clothes you already have. You can dress up and stay home. Or, if you're feeling bold, dress up and go outside. Take a walk around the block to show off your new look, or head to the store to get some candy. Either way, dressing the part will be sure to bring some of the holiday magic to your Halloween.
Carve a Pineapple
Is carving jack-o'-lanterns your favorite part about Halloween? If so, don't worry. You won't have to give up your favorite tradition. However, it may look a little different. Pumpkins don't grow very well in Australia in the fall like they do in the United States. For this reason, many people have opted to carve other fruits. Try carving a spooky face into a pineapple, papaya, or watermelon instead this season. They are cheaper and more readily available than the traditional pumpkin, and you might just find that you like this quirky Halloween tradition even more than the original.
Celebrate Halloween Down Under
Although not everyone in Australia celebrates Halloween, that doesn't mean you can't celebrate the holiday while you're there. You can look for local neighborhoods that decorate or attend events in areas that have them. And, at the very least, you can celebrate at home with movies, candy, and costumes. Find a way to celebrate that works for you and your family and create your own spooky fun.