Christmas is a magical time of year, and if you're religious, it probably has an even deeper meaning for you. Give a speech at your church's Christmas service or celebration to spread the good word. Each of these original Christmas speeches conveys the importance and true meaning of Christmas, sharing different but equally important messages.
Three Christmas Speeches for Church to Print
Each speech is available as a free Christmas downloadable PDF file for you to modify and print. Just click on the image of each speech and save the PDF file to your computer. If you run into any problems, you can use a detailed guide to Adobe printables.
God's Christmas Plan
Anyone can recite this speech for a Christmas church service or celebration. It's an excellent segue into a Christmas program, such as a cantata. This speech discusses why Jesus was born and the plan God had for His son's life and every soul.
Welcome and Merry Christmas! It is wonderful seeing so many familiar and new faces tonight [insert morning, afternoon, or evening].
"For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son."
The birth of Jesus the Christ was prophesied in the Old Testament. It is the fulfillment of this prophecy that brings us together to celebrate Christmas. That wondrous birth of God's only begotten son! It was God's plan, as explained in John 3:16, part of what I just quoted. The love that God has for this world, for each of us, and for you is so great that he was willing to sacrifice his only son for you, for me, and for all people in this world.
Think about that for a moment.
Consider the enormity of that kind of love because we know that God loved his son. Just as you love your children, your parents love you, and you love your parents. For us, it's impossible to comprehend the greatness of God's love for us. His love was so deep that he willingly sacrificed his son for the souls of all humanity for the sake of your soul.
During Christmas, when we consider the birth of Christ, it isn't just a celebration of him being born as the son of God, although that within itself is an amazing event! But Christmas is also the celebration of the birth of redemption for all human souls.
Jesus was born for this reason and this reason alone. His birth means, as the rest of that Bible verse states, "that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."
Each of you was given the keys to heaven on the day Jesus was born. If you believe Jesus the Christ child was the only begotten son of God and the only reason he was born into this world was to take away your sins, then you are given the ultimate Christmas gift — life eternal.
So, on Christmas Day, we rejoice in the amazing birth of the son of God, and we also rejoice in our salvation, knowing that through his birth and sacrifice, we will join him and God in heaven for all eternity.
Why Jesus Was Born in a Stable
This original speech is perfect for children between the ages of six and ten. It explains the significance of Jesus being born in a lowly stable with a manger for his bed. After hearing this story, children may gain a better understanding of the meaning of Christmas and why Jesus was born into this world.
Use this speech for a Sunday school class, an introduction or part of a children's nativity play, or before the children's choir Christmas performance.
Merry Christmas! It's so wonderful to see each of you here today [tonight]. It's good for us to come together on this holiday to celebrate.
Christmas is a special time for us as Christians because we celebrate the birth of the baby Jesus. Since Jesus was the son of God, most of us would think he should have been born in a palace or castle because, after all, he was God's son. But he wasn't born in a stately castle, was he?
No. Jesus was born in a stable, a type of barn for farm animals, like sheep, cows, and chickens. Instead of having a brand-new beautiful crib to sleep in, Jesus had to sleep in a manger. Does anyone know what a manger is? (wait for children to respond.) A manger is like a slanted box with legs. It's where hay is placed for the animals to eat.
Imagine not being born in a hospital but a barn, and your crib is a dirty bin where animals are fed. It's difficult for us to understand why God would allow his only son, whom he loved very much, to be born in a barn with smelly farm animals. But the way Jesus was born is a very important part of the Christmas story. Do you know why? (allow children to answer)
God allowed his only son to be born in a barn because he wanted the world to know his son was a gift to everyone, not just the rich and powerful people of the world. God wanted the average person who worked in fields, who tended sheep, who worked in shops, and who prepared meals to know that Jesus was their savior as much as he was for a king or queen.
Jesus Christ was born for everyone because, in God's eyes, all of us are equals. No one is better than anyone else. And so, God wanted his son to be born in a place that was common to the average person.
That's why our Christmas church plays are about how Jesus was born. We retell the story of how Mary and Joseph traveled to Bethlehem. Mary was about to give birth to Jesus. They needed a nice room with a bed, but all the rooms in the inn were rented. Instead, they had to stay in a stable, a barn for animals.
This is an unusual and humble beginning for the son of God, but it was important that Jesus be born as a common person so he could fulfill God's plan to save the world, to save each of us from sin.
When we sing Christmas hymns, we're singing about our joy and happiness that God loved us so much that he sent Jesus to save our souls and give us eternal life. We're also singing thanks to Jesus for the difficult burden he took upon himself to come into our world and ultimately give up his life for each of us — for each of you.
And there were three wise men who understood this. These kings traveled a very long distance to bring priceless gifts to Jesus because they knew he was the son of God. They wanted to pay their respects to Jesus and thank him for coming into the world to save them. And so, we give each other gifts in that tradition of gratitude.
While these kings were kneeling before Jesus and bestowing him with priceless gifts, shepherds in the fields saw an angel in the night sky singing and announcing the birth of the Christ child. The shepherds hurried to the stable to also pay their respects and give thanks. And, soon, people were coming from all over to see Jesus.
This is the scene we call the nativity. It's a snapshot of Jesus's birth that shepherds, villagers, and kings all kneeled before him and sang songs of thanksgiving. So, let us give thanks as we sing our Christmas hymns and keep Christmas in our hearts every day.
Christmas Hope
Christmas is a message of hope to the world and the great sacrifice that God and His son Jesus made for every soul. You can convey that message with this speech at any Christmas service. It could be the opening for an afternoon or evening cantata, a candlelight Christmas service, or the opening speech for a Christmas church play.
Merry Christmas! Welcome to our Christmas (insert service, play, cantata, etc.)
Christmas is one of the most sacred holidays of the church. Like other church holidays, it's a time when we come together to celebrate and rejoice in our love for God and Jesus. Unlike other church holidays, Christmas marks the beginning of hope for the world.
Now, there are all kinds of hopes, such as "I hope I win the lottery tonight" or "I hope Aunt Mae doesn't make her famous chocolate cake for the family Christmas dinner." Everyone who knows Aunt Mae is probably hoping the same thing. But those examples aren't really about hope. Are they? They're more like wishing. Not real hope.
Hope is defined as a positive or optimistic expectation. And this expectation is often about a circumstance or an event that usually has some kind of impact on your life. That definition fits nicely with the birth of Jesus.
Jesus is the hope for the world. That hope is that we continue to exist after death. Through Christ, God has given us hope of an eternal life. Without Jesus's birth, that hope simply would not exist for us Christians today.
Imagine what the world would be like without hope. But today, we have great hope! This is the day Jesus was born. It's the day God gave his only begotten son, Jesus, the Christ, to wash away your sins.
Jesus's birth signifies our journey back to God, our creator. Jesus restores hope to the world. He paved the way for us. When we believe in Christ, we accept that message of hope proclaimed on Christmas morning that the Christ child was born.
This birth of hope makes Christmas so much more than hymns, Christmas trees, presents, and turkey dinners. It is this sacrifice by God and then his son, Jesus, that delivered hope to the world. The hope of eternal life for all who believe.
So, this Christmas, let's make a joyful noise unto the Lord! Let us give to others in the same spirit of the Christ child. Let us love one another. And most importantly, let us give thanks for the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ, and the Christmas hope he gifted to us.
Bible Verses as Companions to Speeches
You may want to add some Bible verses as part of your speech or as a Christmas reading after your speech. Quote a line or two from one of these Bible verses in your speech to illustrate a point, like the prophecy of Jesus's birth or the angel Gabriel's visit to the Virgin Mary.
- You can read about the birth of Jesus Christ in Luke 2:4-19.
- The story of the Three Wise Men is found in Matthew 2:1-11.
- The prophecy about the birth of Christ can be read in Isaiah 7:13-16.
- The explanation of why Jesus was born can be read in John 3:16-21.
- You can also read about how Mary fulfilled the prophecy about the Christ child in Matthew 1:22-23.
- You may wish to include the story of the immaculate conception of Mary, the mother of Jesus, by reading Luke 1:26-37.
Christmas Speeches for Church Are Important
A Christmas speech for a church service, Sunday school class, or play is an important way to convey the meaning of Christmas. Read one of these sample speeches or modify it to fit your event and/or style. You can even use scripture to reinforce the significance that the Christmas story has on modern Christians. Make it your own, and it will undoubtedly resonate with your congregation.