When candy canes hit the store shelves, it's a sure sign that Christmas is just around the corner. Before you hand out these treats this year, attach a poem that will put an extra smile on the faces of everyone who receives them.
Sweet Candy Cane Poetry
Enclose one of these poems in a Christmas card along with a small candy cane. You could also add a poem to homemade gift tags and attach canes to them, or include one in favors for your holiday party.
Candy Canes on the Tree
Christmas candy canes
Hanging on the tree,
I think that Mommy hung them there
Especially for me.
I'm not allowed to take one until
Christmas Eve is here.
But I want one oh so badly,
'Cause they taste like Christmas cheer.
Maybe if I sneak one from the back
I won't get caught.
But that would be dishonest, and
That's not what Mommy taught.
So I'll have to wait for Christmas
Because Santa would surely see.
If I snitch an early candy cane,
He won't bring gifts for me.

Ode to a Candy Cane
Stripes of red on cane of white,
Oh, what a very pretty sight.
Nothing else is ever quite
As sweet as peppermint delight.

Ode to A Candy Cane Poem Printable
This PDF version of the Ode to a Candy Cane can be printed on card stock. Attach a candy cane to it with some red or green tape or punch a hole in the card and run some ribbons through it with the candy. You will need Adobe Reader to download the file and if you find you need help, read the guide for Adobe printables.

Wreath Poems
The candy cane wreath is a fun holiday tradition for some families. Print one of these poems on cardstock and hang it in the center of the wreath so people know they are welcome to help themselves to a cane.

The Candy Cane Wreath
This candy cane wreath hangs on my door,
The entire Christmas season through.
I made it myself and hung it there,
Especially for you.
So when you walk up to my door,
Before you ring the bell.
Be sure to pluck one off the wreath,
And take some for your friends as well.
There's nothing sweeter in all the world,
Than spreading Christmas cheer.
So just be sure to tell your friends,
They can always find it here.
And I will glue a few more canes
To the bare spots on my wreath.
To make sure that there's plenty for all
Because the season is all too brief.
If only the feelings of Christmas
Could last all through the year.
Maybe if I never take down my wreath,
We'll never lose our holiday cheer.
A Gift of Cane
See this wreath upon my door?
Take a cane, and I'll add more.
It's just my little gift to you,
To give you Christmas spirit too.
Religious Poems
Attach one of these poems to small bags of candy canes to pass out as treats at a Bible study, Sunday school class, or after church. You can also include one in a religious gift for a pastor or other staff at your church.
Symbolism of the Candy Cane
Staff of the shepherd to gather his flock in,
White for Christ's purity, which pours out from within,
Striped red for his sacrifice so precious and rare,
All symbolized in the candy cane that you hold there.
Reminding Us of Jesus
Turn that candy cane upside down,
And it becomes a J.
It symbolizes Jesus,
The true reason for Christmas day.
Legend of the Candy Cane
The Legend of the Candy Cane is both a book and a poem that is popular with younger children during the holidays. The poem can be found in the book The Candymaker's Gift: The Legend of the Candy Cane by Helen Haidle. The book describes the symbolism and relationship between the candy cane and the story of Jesus' birth at Christmas. The book is suitable for children in grades one to two. A similar book for slightly older readers is The Legend of the Candy Cane: The Inspirational Story of Our Favorite Christmas Candy by Lori Walburg which is for children in preschool through grade three.
A Sweet Gift of Poetry
The candy cane is such a simple confection, but it's inextricably bound up with the Christmas celebration. Make your own holiday traditions a little richer by including a poem with each cane you give to the people you love.