Everyone has their own opinion on what does or doesn't fall under the category of worst Christmas songs. Some are so bad, however, that many people tend to agree on their ability to make us cringe.
In the days when the only way we listened to Christmas music was on the radio, these were the holiday tunes we had to suffer through to hear our favorites.
Most Hated Christmas Songs & Carols
There are just about as many Christmas songs as there are snowflakes in a flurry. But some songs have the rare ability to make nearly every list of hated Christmas songs. We aren't sure why these songs continue to play on the radio every year, but we usually change the station when they do.
The Christmas Shoes
NewSong gave us this tear-jerker in 2000, and it's still on Christmas playlists today. But we don't really want to cry on Christmas. This song just leaves us down in the dumps as it plays on repeat in our heads.
The 12 Days of Christmas
There are countless versions of this Christmas carol, but they all have the same repetitive lines. Who wants to hear about the two turtle doves 11 times in a row? Not to mention the odd way the love interest in this song chooses to give a ton of birds and people to their partner for Christmas.
Many people who find traditional versions of The 12 Days of Christmas a bit annoying tend to enjoy Straight No Chaser's hilarious version of the carol.
Santa Baby
This song is just a verbal letter to Santa. There are all sorts of crazy demands and some serious flirty vibes sent toward old Saint Nick. We can think of a lot of songs that are more pleasant than this cringy tune.
If you must listen to "Santa Baby," Eartha Kitt's talent makes it at least tolerable.
Baby It's Cold Outside
Does this song need an explanation? "Baby It's Cold Outside" misses the mark in a lot of ways, but the creepy lyrics stand out the most. Many talented artists have dueted this tune, but no one has succeeded in making it anything less than cringy and controversial.
Wonderful Christmastime
Does anyone know what this song is about? "Wonderful Christmastime" from Paul McCartney just makes no sense. Everyone seems to be aware of how confusing this holiday tune is because the lyrics have made their rounds on social media as a meme in the past couple of years.
Same Old Lang Syne
Many of us have had the extreme displeasure of running into an ex near the holidays, so we don't need to hear about it in a song. Dan Fogelberg's "Same Old Lang Syne" doesn't even sound like a Christmas song, but that doesn't stop radio stations from playing it every single year.
Where Are You Christmas
The 2000 version of How the Grinch Stole Christmas gave us many gifts. We couldn't ask for anything more than Jim Carrey comedy and hilarious quips we can use all year round. But that song...that song...has got to go!
"Where Are You Christmas" was cute when little Cindy-Lou Who sang it in the film, but it's just plain depressing in any other version. We'll take something a little more cheery, please.
Awful Versions of Beloved Christmas Songs
Some Christmas songs are truly wonderful until a certain musical artist ruins the fun with their take on the tune. We have nothing against the artists, but there's just something about the way they sing these Christmas classics that we find hard to love.
Santa Claus Is Coming to Town (Bruce Springsteen)
We love a good Santa song! But we don't love Springsteen's version of "Santa Claus Is Coming to Town." No offense to Bruce, but we don't need all the extra talking and stanzas. We just want to sing about Santa, for crying out loud.
O Holy Night (Mariah Carey)
Mariah claims to be the Queen of Christmas and we aren't denying her the title. But we are saying this isn't everyone's favorite version of "O Holy Night." The song is so beautiful and powerful that we don't need the breathy runs and high notes. Not to mention, Mariah only repeats the first verses and the chorus rather than singing the full song.
I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus (The Jackson 5)
Besides the trauma of thinking you've seen your mom kissing Santa, this song just doesn't make us feel the warm and fuzzies of the holidays. We prefer to hear MJ belting out our favorite 80s songs rather than begging his brothers to believe that he saw his mom kissing Father Christmas.
Peace On Earth / Little Drummer Boy (David Bowie & Bing Crosby)
We love a Bing Crosby Christmas song and we can certainly appreciate David Bowie, but their duet of "Little Drummer Boy" is only good for one listen each year. It's not the worst version of the song, but it's not the best, either.
Please Come Home for Christmas (Bon Jovi)
Bon Jovi has a fairly successful list of Christmas songs, and we honestly don't despise their version of "Please Come Home for Christmas." We just think The Eagles did it best, and no one can top their holiday rock tune.
Annoying Kids Christmas Songs
We love to see the magic in the eyes of children at Christmas. But we don't always love to listen to their favorite holiday tunes. These are the songs they request on repeat that we would rather not hear for the hundredth time.
Grandma Got Run Over By a Reindeer
How exactly did Grandma get run over by a reindeer? Shouldn't they be flying the sleigh? We have a lot of questions about this song, but the biggest one has to do with why children love it so much. We'd like our grandmothers to stay safe and sound, thank you.
The Chipmunk Song (Christmas Don't Be Late)
Okay, this one isn't that bad. It can even bring back some fun memories from your own childhood Christmases. But once you've heard those squeaky chipmunk voices all month long, you're pretty much over this kids' Christmas song.
I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas
Look kid, you can't have a hippopotamus for Christmas. That's what we want to shout whenever we hear this holiday song. We used to think it was funny, but now we see just how obnoxious a Christmas song about a hippo can be.
All I Want for Christmas Is My Two Front Teeth
We find it hard to believe that this kid couldn't come up with anything better than their two front teeth as a Christmas gift. We know that waiting for adult teeth is tough, but it shouldn't overshadow other awesome Christmas gifts. The kids might love this tune, but we could do without it.
Terrible Christmas Songs We Secretly Love
You may have already spotted a song or two you secretly love on this list. We know that sometimes the songs most people love to hate are the songs some of us sort of hate to love. We would never admit it, but we often find ourselves singing along to these terrible Christmas songs.
Last Christmas
"Last Christmas" has become somewhat of a classic Christmas song at this point. Many have tried to remake the 80s holiday song, but no one does it like Wham! You might roll your eyes when this song first starts to play, but halfway through, you're probably belting out the chorus right along with us.
All I Want for Christmas Is You
Some people love Mariah Carey's Christmas music, and some absolutely despise it. But we're willing to bet you've tried to belt her biggest holiday hit at least once in your lifetime.
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays
Some people refuse to listen to anything a boy band produces, but some of us live for nostalgia. NSYNC gave us this holiday anthem in the late 90s, and we've been jamming out to it every Christmas since.
Blue Christmas
You might not be an Elvis fan, but you can probably relate to having a blue Christmas without the one you love. "Blue Christmas" may not be our favorite with each passing year, but many of us have had holidays where the sentiment of this song rang true.
Feliz Navidad
Let's be honest — we stumble over all the words in this festive Christmas tune. But that doesn't stop us from trying to sing it from start to finish. Some people find "Feliz Navidad" a bit repetitive, but we think it's perfect for adding life to a Christmas party.
Don't Let Us Crush Your Christmas Cheer
Hey, we aren't saying these are everyone's least favorite Christmas song. If you found some tunes on this list that you love, keep on rocking around the Christmas tree! There are no rules around enjoying Christmas. Marching to the beat of your own carol is more than okay.